Arduino Ethernet Camera

Posted by Techno On mardi 2 mai 2017 1 commentaires

I will introduce a Arduino ethernet Camera.
You can take a picture inside of house which have a this arduino ethernet camera by just openning the web site if you follow this contents.
It is very easy and simple way which don't need any app. for smart phone.
Let's start.

Step 1: Prepare Meterials

We need a several meterials.
1. Arduino Uno 
2. Arduino Ethernet Shield
They are all.... for this project.

Step 2: Hardware Connection

Hardware connection is very easy.
Just follow picture.
Picture shows us all of we have to connect.

Step 3: Prepare for Software : Library

We need download few libraries for this project
You can download libraries in
Adafruit_VC0706.h (for TTL Camera)
SdFat.h (for SD card)
SdFatUtil.h (for SD card
Ethernet.h (for Ethernet shield , default installed in Sketch)
SoftwareSerial.h(for TTL Camera)
If you downloaded them, you are ready for run this project.

Step 4: Software : Sketch Code

Here is a sketch code we need to run this project.
Please download attached sketch file (ethernet_camera.ino)
There are little to know about this code.
1. You have to modify mac[] and ip[] as your arduino's information.
2. To see jpg file on browser, we have to give a command to translate to jpg format as below four line.
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200OK");
client.println("Content-Type: image/jpeg");

Step 5: How to Run & Test Result

1. To take a picture
Just type http:/ on any internet browser.
2. To See a taken picture
Just type http:/ on any internet browser.
3. To remove a tacke picture
Just type http:/ on any internet browser.
The Picture shows the result of test.
Thank you and enjoy it.

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